Meanings of pololeo violence in psychology students
at University of Los Lagos, Puerto Montt
violence, dating, meanings, natural semantic networks, professional formationAbstract
This research inquired the meanings of dating violence, considering its causes, manifestations, and consequences in 130 university students from Los Lagos University (Chile). The Natural Semantic Networks technique was used, obtaining as main meanings associated with the causes of dating violence, defining words like jealousy, aggressiveness, unsafety, and machismo. For the demonstrations, the central meanings were hits, screams,
humiliations, rape and death, and as the main consequences the meanings were depression, death, suicide, unsafety, and femicide. The coexistence of meanings centered on the individual factors with meanings that integrate the understanding of sociostructural factors such as machismo in the demonstrations and consequences of dating violence is visualized. Research is projected that qualitatively deepen the meanings found, in order to sustain psychosocial work strategies with psychology students from a gender perspective, incorporating critical and contingent elements in their professional training as well as raising awareness about
gender violence to which they could be exposed in their life trajectory.
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