Grooming and Sexual Burning

Sexual Assaults on State of Mexico Students During 2020-2021 Confinement




ICT, Cyberviolence, Sexual harassment, Violence, Gender


The global incidence of 21 virtual aggressions is exposed, as well as the experience with sexual cyberviolence suffered, perpetrated, and observed, during the 2020-2021 confinement. Through the application of a Google Forms questionnaire in addition to virtualized ethnography in a sample of 6,915 students in the State of Mexico. The
result is a global incidence of 20% of the students that were involved in cyber sexual violence. During lockdown, women and non-binary people received more cybervictimization than their male counterparts. The most frequent were sexual proposals and reception of obscene content. The girls were harassed by various sexual predators. 


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Author Biography

Luz Maria Velazquez Reyes, Higher Institute of Education Sciences of the State of Mexico, Toluca, State of Mexico

Mexican. Doctor in Pedagogy from the National Autonomous University of Mexico. Teacher at the Instituto Superior de Ciencias de la Educación del Estado de México (ISCEEM), Toluca. Lines of research: students, violence at school, cyber-violence, violence in socio-digital networks, equity, gender violence and coexistence at school.



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How to Cite

Velazquez Reyes, L. M. (2023). Grooming and Sexual Burning: Sexual Assaults on State of Mexico Students During 2020-2021 Confinement. Géneroos, 1(2), 4–31.



Research articles