Emotional experiences of migration:
Itineraries of Cuban women in transit through Mexico
experiencies, emotions, women, migratory itineraries, life storiesAbstract
Cuban migration through third countries and Mexico as the last border to reach the United States intensified since 2015. The US immigration policy until 2022 favored the crossing of Cubans through border fences, motivating the long migratory trajectories of Cuban women who did not want to jump into the sea. From a feminist approach and with a qualitative approach, in-depth interviews were carried out to analyze the life stories of the women about their migratory transits from their departure from Cuba to their arrival in Mexico. Based on the construction of three migratory itineraries of Cuban women, we analyze the emotional dimension of their migratory experiences. The main results address uncertainty as the arti-culating axis of the set of emotions that are embodied in the experience of Cuban women during the migratory transit. The involuntary stay constitutes an emotional and bodily challenge for the women; the immobility of their expectations and their goals manifests within their bodies, constraining them to thoughts of sadness and uncertainty. In turn, they use their capital to face such circumstances; many are the strategies they use to generate hope and feel better: the constant search for alternatives; gathering inspiration from success stories, and the determination not to return drives them emotionally and physically to continue fighting against uncertainty.Downloads
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