Emotion associated with the fatherhood
of heterosexual men of three generations in Colima, Mexico in the Century XXI
fatherhood, emotions, masculinities, generations, menAbstract
The aim of this study is to analyze the emotions associated with fatherhood in order to understand their relationships with the construction of the identities of men from three generations in Colima, Mexico. The research approach was qua-litative because it sought to describe and identify a reality constructed by the actors involved. The ethno-sociological method of Bertaux (2005) was chosen, which is grounded in ethnography to observe the various worlds and relationships through the analysis of the narratives provided by the participants. By conducting this review, it is possible to move from the specific to the general in search of elements that can explain large-scale sociological processes. One of the most relevant findings is that the men in the study allow themselves to experience a wider range of emotions in relation to their daughters and sons. This becomes significant from two perspectives. First, because the emotions described by the participants are directly related to how they perceive their role as fathers. Second, because emotions serve as carriers of mea-ning, demonstrating the communicative capacity of emotions between men and their daughters and sons.Downloads
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