Seeds of survival:
Typification and underreporting of gender violence in the Brazilian rural environment
rural woman, support net, registry of complaints, types of violence, domestic violenceAbstract
The objective of this research is to analyze violence against women in rural areas in the Brazilian context and classify it by characterizing the way it is perpetrated, in what situations it is carried out, if it is reported, notified, and combated, as well as identifying the effectiveness of the network. support. The research is a case study that used various techniques: field visits, in-depth interviews with rural women and institutional leaders, and analysis of laws. The data reveal that 1 in 3 women has suffered some type of violence: psychological (57%), moral (56.82%), sexual harassment (47.73%), physical (36.36%), patrimonial (34%), harassment (31.82%), institutional violence (23%), private detention (20%), sexual exploitation (9.09%) and rape (9.09%). Around 63% of respondents reported that the attacks occurred in their own home, 25% stated that it occurred both at home and on the street. In 88% of the cases, their aggressors are their husband/(or ex)partner and father.
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