The mandates of Masculinity in Heterosexual Men

of Three Generations of Colima, Mexico in the XXI Century




mandates of masculinity, masculine identity, generation, paternity, relationship


The aim of this article is to analyze the mandates of masculinity in three genera-tions of men from the metropolitan area of Colima and Villa de Álvarez, in Mexico, in an effort to identify the elements that are incorporated into their masculine identity. The methodology used for this study was qualitative since I aimed to describe and identify a reality constructed by the different actors involved in it. From what was just said, I used the ethno-sociological method of Bertaux (2005) which is based on the ethnographic observation of the worlds and the relationships of the sub-jects, adding that from this standpoint it is possible to go from the particular to the general, looking to those cases, elements that allow to explain the sociological processes of greater magnitude. Among he most significant results of this work, we can find that family is an element as-sociated to the mandates of masculinity and that is incorporated into the masculine identity of the men interviewed based on their specific experiences, whether they be parents or considering that the res-ponsibility of having a family and its care depend on them.


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Author Biography

Eudes Jairo Medina Mendoza, University of Colima, Colima, Mexico

Mexican. D. in Social Sciences from the University of Colima. Professor at the University of Colima. Lines of research: gender studies of men and masculinities.



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How to Cite

Medina Mendoza, E. J. (2023). The mandates of Masculinity in Heterosexual Men: of Three Generations of Colima, Mexico in the XXI Century. Géneroos, 1(1), 72–101.



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