The photography by Ana Álvarez-Errecalde as a restorative proposal for the cultural fear of pain and childbirth.

A reading from the butlerian frame and the affective turn



childbirth, butlerian framework, affections, pregnant body, photography


This essay proposes a reflection on the discursive representations of childbirth based on the analysis of the photographic ensemble called “Birth of My Daughter,” by the Argentine artist Ana AlvarezErrecalde, as a form of discursive response to the prevailing and conventional
representations that mediate how pregnant mothers and their bodies interpret and dominate certain feelings during the birth process. The analysis includes the notion of the body from Judith Butler’s proposal about recognition of frameworks or standards and the notion of feelings as
communicative systems by Sara Ahmed. This way, a photographic proposal is conceived as a significant system that challenges the established framework. It proposes an ‘outside the frame’ that allows bodies and their significant practices to be recognizable in new terms, different from the normative principles of the social and hegemonic representation of childbirth. The exposure of reproductive
organs, animal pleasure, and standing photography minutes after giving birth, challenge the norm, the structure. Control of the body and of experience through re-appropriation and vindication of certain feelings, such as fear and pain, allow a possible alternate representation to be recognized despite not coinciding with the rules of recognition and therefore, not being legitimized. 


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Author Biography

Maria Isabel Imbaquingo Perez, Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador, Quito, Ecuador

Ecuadorian. D. in social communication from the National University of Córdoba (Argentina). She is currently an assistant professor at the Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador. Research interests: motherhood and discourse.



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How to Cite

Imbaquingo Perez, M. I. (2021). The photography by Ana Álvarez-Errecalde as a restorative proposal for the cultural fear of pain and childbirth. : A reading from the butlerian frame and the affective turn. Géneroos, 27(28), 323–344. Retrieved from



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