Forging equality:

Narratives on leadership development in women microentrepreneurs in Michoacán by Monica Ayala-Mira



In Mexico, inequality is a day-to-day characteristic, an inherent stamp on daily life that has surpassed all social and individual levels, permeating and fostered in every direction we look. One of the ways in which we can observe these conditions are the wage gaps between women and men, as well as the investment of time in daily activities that are not remunerated; in the case of women it is exacerbated by the levels of harassment; violence; exclusion; access to the health sector, education, labor and in business spaces. How can we clear ourselves of this foggy air and think of the world of work in other ways? We refer to thinking of them outside the conformity in which they are shown to us in the case of men.


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Author Biography

Ricardo Carlos Ernesto Gonzalez, Autonomous Metropolitan University Iztapalapa Unit, Mexico City, Mexico

Ricardo Carlos Ernesto Gonzalez. Autonomous Metropolitan University Iztapalapa Unit, Mexico City, Mexico



Ayala-Mira, M. (2018). Forjando igualdad. Narrativas sobre el desarrollo de liderazgo en microempresarias michoacanas. Mexicali, México: Editorial UABC.



How to Cite

Ernesto Gonzalez, R. C. (2021). Forging equality:: Narratives on leadership development in women microentrepreneurs in Michoacán by Monica Ayala-Mira. Géneroos, 27(28), 405–416. Retrieved from