Heterosexuality as a feminist object of study:
An historical journey
sexuality, feminism, sex roles, heterosexuality, heteronormativityAbstract
Gender studies on sexuality tend to focus on diversity. When heterosexuality is being referred to, it is usually treated as the norm, however, little is written about the historical past of heterosexuality as a pathology or as something socially undesirable. This article intends to follow the historical path of the term heterosexuality, its origin and the transformation of meaning, from pathology to norm, and from sexual practice to an identity. The different processes that the term went through until it became the hegemonic identity. In this sense, the text approaches this in a historical regard, before, during, and after its incursion into the feminine discourse. This work analyzes the way feminism, in particular the lesbian feminism led by Monique Wittig in the late seventies, was the first to problematize heterosexuality, emphasizing its political function and denouncing it as one of the primary
sources of oppression for women. Along with other female authors, she shows how heterosexuality, since it was established as a hemogenic identity, is rarely questioned
and, therefore, there is still an existing need to question its naturality in order to understand its influence as a hemogenic identity in the perpetuation of a patriarchal
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