GenEroos Editorial Process
The editorial process of our journal is designed to ensure the quality and thoroughness of each manuscript received. The following are the key phases of the process, from the reception of submissions to their publication and dissemination. At each stage, the manuscript undergoes a series of evaluations and reviews to ensure that it meets the highest academic standards.
Throughout this process, it is essential for us to maintain open and transparent communication with authors. At any stage in which a manuscript is rejected, authorship will be notified through the OJS platform. Clear details and explanations of the reasons for rejection will be provided in the notification, in order to provide constructive feedback and improve the experience of our contributors.
Each phase of the editorial process is described below:
1. Receipt of contributions:
The author(s) send their manuscript through the journal's online platform, and the system automatically confirms its reception.
2. Preliminary review:
The editorial team verifies that the manuscript complies with the journal's guidelines. If it is adequate, it advances; if not, it is rejected.
3. Editorial evaluation:
The editorial committee evaluates the manuscript according to the standards of quality and relevance to the journal. If it meets the criteria, it advances to the next step; if not, it is rejected.
4. Peer review:
The manuscript is sent to specialists under the “double-blind” system to evaluate its scientific and academic quality, guaranteeing the mutual anonymity of authors and reviewers. The reviewers evaluate the scientific and academic quality of the text, suggesting possible modifications and improvements.
5. Technical review:
The reviewers review the changes made by the author after the peer review. If the adjustments are satisfactory, the manuscript is accepted; if not, it is rejected.
6. Proofreading:
Spelling, grammatical and stylistic proofreading is performed to ensure that the text is clear, coherent and well written.
7. Layout:
The manuscript is adapted to the format of the journal, organizing titles, tables, images, etc.
8. Metadata and DOI:
The necessary metadata and a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) are assigned to uniquely identify the manuscript.
9. XML Meta tagging:
The manuscript is converted to XML format for indexing in academic databases and specialized search engines.
10. Publication:
Approved manuscripts are published in a semi-annual volume of the journal, available in digital format in March and September, and accessible to both the academic community and the general public.
11. Dissemination:
The article is disseminated through social networks and other channels to increase its visibility.