Youth Sexualities:
Practices and Emotions During the COVID-19 Pandemic
sexuality, youth, gender, emotions, COVID-19 pandemicAbstract
Sexuality has received relatively little attention in discussions about the COVID-19 pandemic social effects. The subjective construction of sexuality at this juncture is still a gap of inquiry. From a psychosocial and feminist perspective, this article explores the effects of this health
contingency on the young population sexual experience through emotions. To reach this goal 10 women and 9 men were contacted using snowball sampling and interviewed online. Grounded Theory suggested processes guided the information analysis. Results indicate that gender and youth conditions are interwoven in circumstances and emotions of discomfort linked to the inequality generated by these categories. Among those asymmetric experiences, there is a higher vulnerability and eroticism denial for women and little autonomy for young people. In the face of the pandemic, participants’ sexual emotionality was associated with alterations in desire, as well as linked to a decrease in partner interactions, intimate spaces, and sexual practices. In contrast, our analysis captured areas of erotic-affective negotiation, sexual experimentation, and
agency. These findings contribute to understand how sexuality and intimacy are experienced during risky social situations and conditions of generalized insecurity and give visibility to the power relations surrounding them.
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