Trans policies and gender perspective in Argentina and Mexico
Trans , gender perspective , branches of government , ArgentinaAbstract
The present work compares the differences in the gender perspective in government approaches to care towards the trans community in Mexico and Argentina. This through the three divisions of the Powers of the Union of each country:
the Executive, Legislative and Judicial Powers. The central question is: How has the gender perspective influenced public policies in mechanisms and strategies of care for the trans community in Argentina and Mexico? Derived from this, the objective is to compare and analyze these strategies and mechanisms. In this sense, the hypothesis is: if the three branches of government comprehensively apply the gender perspective, then the States will have a policy of attention towards the trans community that is better coordinated between the branches of government. In
this way, the study between the actions of Mexico and Argentina towards said community reveals significant disparities. It was based on the review of strategies
implemented by the three powers in relation to the gender perspective and the inclusion of trans people in policies
and laws. The analysis points out the importance of transforming government structures to guarantee attention to trans people, highlighting the need for political and social awareness. The main conclusion highlights the insufficiency of government efforts in both countries to comprehensively
address the needs and rights of the trans community. Although Argentina has made more progress in legislative and political terms, there are still persistent challenges in the fight against discrimination and structural violence.
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Copyright (c) 2025 Naomy Alexandra Aguayo Cervantes, Indira Valentina Ibarra Cortés, José Manuel De la Mora Cuevas, Jonás Larios Deniz

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