On the paradigm of health centered on weight: a questioning in a decolonial and gender key

Is a revolution towards an health at every size model necessary?





science, weight-centeredness, gender, race, health at all sizes model (haes)


Until the twentieth century, science had been considered a neutral and objective discipline that, although it could lead society to development,  would have to remain aloof from its implications and values. This article recovers the contributions that, from the discipline of Science, Technology and Gender (STG), have been made in order to bring to light the underlying gender implications of science with the aim of questioning one of the most influential scientific paradigms in recent decades: the weight-centered health paradigm (WHP). From a feminist and decolonial perspective, we will investigate how fatphobia and its scientistic dimension, weight-centric, are intertwined with gender and racial inequalities and contribute to their perpetuation. It will also
expose the scientific anomalies that this classical approach to health must confront, and will ultimately advocate for a more inclusive model of health that promotes the development of society in the eradication of gender and racial inequalities


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Author Biography

Erika Calvo Rivera, National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico

Spanish. Master in Philosophy for contemporary challenges by the Universidad Oberta de Catalunya. Master's degree in gender studies from the Autonomous University of Mexico. Research interests: decolonial feminisms, Marxist feminisms, decolonial theory, Latin American philosophy.

E-mail: erikacalvorivera@gmail.com


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How to Cite

Calvo Rivera, E. (2024). On the paradigm of health centered on weight: a questioning in a decolonial and gender key: Is a revolution towards an health at every size model necessary?. Géneroos, 2(4), 186–218. https://doi.org/10.53897/RevGenEr.2024.04.08