Xenofeminism: a technology policy

of [re]production



review, gender perspective, intersectionality, gender equality, critical theory


Xenofeminism, before being a theoretical-political proposal, is a provocation, a dispute and a polemic look that is anchored in the feminist concern of sociocultural and biological reproduction. That is to say, of the politics of re/production in a global and technocratic era. Xenofeminism draws on the critical assemblage of cyberfeminism, posthumanism, materialist feminism, and neo-rationalism in order to create a contemporary politics to create a contemporary politics of the technologies of material production.


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Author Biography

Francisco Hernandez Galvan, Autonomous University of Puebla, Puebla, Mexico

Francisco Hernandez Galvan. Autonomous University of Puebla, Puebla, Mexico

E-mail: franckhg93@gmail.com


Hester, H. (2018). Xenofeminismo: tecnologías de género y políticas de reproducción. Buenos Aires, Argentina: Caja Negra Editora



How to Cite

Hernandez Galvan, F. (2021). Xenofeminism: a technology policy : of [re]production. Géneroos, 26(26), 179–182. Retrieved from https://revistasacademicas.ucol.mx/index.php/generos/article/view/114

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