Strategic narratives about the Belt and Road Initiative as a global public good in Popular Geopolitics of China




global public goods, China, popular geopolitics, Belt and Road Initiative, hegemony


Since the launching of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) in 2013, and in a parallel fashion to its material construction, a whole discourse has been articulated characterizing the Chinese project as a global public good (GPG), among other things. This strategic narrative has acquired a pronounced geopolitical meaning due to the signification of certain political actions in determined geographical spaces. This article focuses on the discursive articulation of the BRI as a GPG in main Chinese mass media, or “Popular geopolitics”, in the 2015-2020 period. The main research question is How the geopolitical discourse that has characterized the Belt and Road Initiative as a global public good has been structured in the main Chinese newspapers between 2015 and 2020? As hypothesis, the article argues that the discursive construction around the idea of the BRI being a GPG echoes the political intention of ontologically globalize certain properties of the Chinse project, which in turn implies to place the world as the space for action of China as a world power.


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Author Biography

Eduardo Tzili Apango, UAM-Xochimilco

Professor-Researcher of the Departament of Policy and Culture


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How to Cite

Tzili Apango, E. (2024). Strategic narratives about the Belt and Road Initiative as a global public good in Popular Geopolitics of China. PORTES, Revista Mexicana De Estudios Sobre La Cuenca Del Pacífico, 2(3), 59–79.