China: innovation and war technology development




securitization, war technology, special economic zones, geostrategic spaces, trade


Technological development is one of the main axes of any economy, and in China, industrialization processes together with securitization are part of its strategic development. Currently, China has kept out of any armed conflict and was even the mediating country that solved the problem between the countries of Central Asia. China's policy is based on diplomacy, staying out of any war problem. Despite the above, it has not neglected its military apparatus and much less the technological development of armaments, being the second country that invests the most in this sector after the USA. Therefore, the objective of this study is to analyze the development and innovation of the war industry in this country and its impact on the world. The study is of a documentary type and uses the analytical-descriptive method based on specialized literature with the purpose of examining the existing projects that, despite its policy of non-intervention, continues to allocate a large part of its budget to this sector.


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Author Biographies

Aurora Furlong y Zacaula, BUAP

Professor-Researcher of the Faculty of Economics

Raúl Netzahualcoyotzi Luna, BUAP

Professor-Researcher of the Faculty of Foreign Affairs

Edwin Hernández Herrera, BUAP

Faculty of Economics


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How to Cite

Furlong y Zacaula, A., Netzahualcoyotzi Luna, R. ., & Hernández Herrera, E. . (2024). China: innovation and war technology development. PORTES, Revista Mexicana De Estudios Sobre La Cuenca Del Pacífico, 1(2), 87–104.