Compassion as Psychological Strength
in Women During a Pandemic
emotions, gender, psychological resource, emotional vulnerability, COVID-19Abstract
With the arrival of SARS-CoV-2, the interest in studying variables related to mental health such as depression, anxiety and stress has increased, however, there are few
studies focused on psychological resources, even less exclusive in women. Throughout history, they are the ones who have been the caretakers of the home, the children, dependent people, a fact that, with the isolation, has been exacerbated. Therefore, the present study aims to understand compassion in women during confinement and
social distancing. A group of 881 women from different states of the Mexican Republic responded to a series of instruments to measure levels of confinement, COVID-19
stressors, compassion, and positive and negative affection. Compassion was found to be positively correlated with a positive affection, while the latter was negatively correlated
with negative affection. The participants in this study were shown to be compassionate regardless of having suffered from COVID-19 or not. These findings make it possible to recognize that compassion has been maintained as a resource that could constitute a psychological strength in order to face difficulties caused by the measures established during this pandemic.
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