Physical and emotional fatigue,
burnout syndrome, and compassionate satisfaction in informal caregivers
physical fatigue, emotional fatigue, bur-nout syndrome, compassion satisfaction, genderAbstract
The research evaluates the levels of physical and cognitive fatigue, burnout syndrome, and satisfaction through compassion in 15 informal caregivers of children in orphanages from a care institution in the city of Ambato. The methodology is quantitative, proposes a non-experimental design, and has a des-criptive, correlative, and transversal nature. The assessments were made through the Individual Strength Check List (physical and cognitive fatigue), the Maslach Bur-nout Inventory (burnout syndrome and its components: emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and personal fulfill-ment), and the Compassion Satisfaction subscale, from the Professional Quality of Life Subscales Compassion Satisfaction and Fatigue-Version V (ProQOL - V ). The results indicate the presence of high levels of physical fatigue. In the burnout syndrome variable, low levels of emotional exhaustion, medium levels of depersona-lization and personal fulfillment, and a tendency to global burnout were found; the satisfaction for the guilt is found average. The correlations found between physical fatigue and depersonalization were low negative, statistically significant; while the correlations found between depersonalization and compassion satis-faction were high negative, statistically significant. These results, where the in-terpersonal effect of burnout syndrome has been nullified, seem to be related to the gender of the participants, due to the high level of emotional involvement that women develop with the recipients of their work and works as a protective factor against depersonalization.Downloads
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