The impact of demography changes in future China's economy




China, Demographic Pressure, Aging Population, Workforce


This essay explores how demographic change is influencing China's economic future and what it means for businesses operating within its borders. The undergoing demographic transition in China, implies pressure on labor supply for the industry over the coming decades. China's demographic landscape is transforming at a rapid pace, and it's essential to understand the key trends and perspectives driving this change. As population aged the workforce shrinks pressuring the policy planers to investigate other perspectives like technology adoption, which has been a major driver of economic growth in recent years and can be the answer for the future. With the rise of e-commerce platforms such as Alibaba and Tencent, Chinese consumers increasingly rely on digital services for everything from shopping to banking, this trend could reshape new Chinese mercantile realities that are both less labor intensive in the service sector and in manufacturing, allowing the entry of robotics in the distribution of goods.


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Author Biography

Audrey Rivera Gómez, Foreign Ministry of Mexico

A career diplomat from Mexican Foreign Service, she holds a PhD in International Relations and Social Sciences from Metropolitan Autonomous Universality, master’s degrees in Diplomatic Studies and in International Migration from IMRED and the COLEF, respectively; graduated in International Relations from UNAM. Dr. Rivera’s diplomatic career is extensive serving in several assignments around the world.


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How to Cite

Rivera Gómez, A. (2023). The impact of demography changes in future China’s economy. PORTES, Revista Mexicana De Estudios Sobre La Cuenca Del Pacífico, 1(1), 127–139.