The beach as a use of tourist businesses in México. Comparative study Manzanillo–Puerto Vallarta


  • Ricardo Sonda de la Rosa Universidad del Caribe
  • Andrea Lizbeth Rojas Zamora University of Colima


Mexico, Tourism, Beach, Tourist business


Tourism in Mexico has been a great potential in the economy, since it occupies the third place in the collection of income, therefore, it is a key factor for planning in the country. The driver of this economy is largely the tourist businesses that the beach has, it is where they develop formal and informal business activities, useful to know and compare in order to determine their future diversification, growth, stagnation or withdrawal. The comparison that this study occupies is based on the theory of the life cycle of Richard Butler, where Manzanillo is in the stage of Consolidation and Puerto Vallarta in Stagnation. The objective of the research is to make an inventory, compare and analyze the tourist businesses these have. The methodology applied is a mixed approach, quantitative in the case study and qualitative phenomenological type; both were focused on the commercial activity that meets the needs of beach visitors. Subsequently, the results of the types of businesses are presented with what both study destinations compete, and those that they own independently, which provides an advantage and indicator in the decision-making process for the development of tourist destinations in the country.


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How to Cite

Sonda de la Rosa, R. ., & Rojas Zamora, A. L. (2020). The beach as a use of tourist businesses in México. Comparative study Manzanillo–Puerto Vallarta. PORTES, Revista Mexicana De Estudios Sobre La Cuenca Del Pacífico, 14(27), 119–148. Retrieved from


