The tubular structure of Roberto Bolaño’s 2666,

a game of mirrors


  • Mónica Daniela Albarrán Bernal Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México



Tubular Structure, game of mirrors, Benno von Archimboldi, autor poetic, Bolaño Archive


The present article aims to interpret the tubular structure conceived by Roberto Bolaño for the writing of 2666. To better understand this structure, we will draw from the book Story and Discourse (1990) by theorist Seymour Chatman. This approach will allow us to observe that the novel presents itself as a play of mirrors, with the central figure being the writer-character Benno von Archimboldi, who is reflected in his characters throughout the five parts that make up the work. Similarly, the tubular structure proposed by Bolaño in his notebooks, better known as the Bolaño Archive and taken from the edition published in 2019 by Alfaguara, will allow us to uncover the author’s poetic and theoretical proposal, in which a different approach to literature persists.


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Author Biography

Mónica Daniela Albarrán Bernal, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México

Mexican. She has a degree in Latin American Literature and a master's degree in Literary Studies from the Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, where she works as a proofreader, attached to the Directorate of Continuing and Digital Education at the same institution. Her line of research is Latin American Literature of the XXI century.


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How to Cite

Albarrán Bernal, M. D. (2024). The tubular structure of Roberto Bolaño’s 2666,: a game of mirrors. Interpretextos Revista Semestral De creación Y divulgación De Las Humanidades (Colima), 1(2), 23–44.