An inevitable alliance
Feminist journalism and Humanities
Journalism, feminism, humanities, feminist journalismAbstract
To transform the soul, the humanities are necessary and if we interpret them as a thought that dignifies the human condition (Garcíatorres, 2023), we do not hesitate to consider them allies of feminist journalism. The objective of this article is to present a tour
of the different stages of struggle of Mexican journalists who have founded feminist publications. To achieve their goal, most of the
time, they have worked from the margins, that is, without any business support or financing, they use their own resources, suffer from circulation limitations and without economic gains, but they are motivated by the certainty that they can transform the society through its texts. Our starting point is to identify what we understand by journalism, feminism and humanities as well as the guidelines that align them. Below we specify the historical stages where Mexican journalists found their publications and we will identify their contents and interpretations of the reality they lived as representative women of their time, sensitive to their condition and committed to change.
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