From those sludges, theses dusts.

Early studies of colombian porn industry (1960-2000)


  • Wilmar Vera Zapata Universidad Nacional de Colombia



Press, media, adult cinema, pornography, sexual revolution


Colombia had, between 1960- 2000, a long sexual revolution. During those decades, the discourses on morality, Good customs and
traditional faced a slow, constant, but radical change, where protagonists of that changes were mass media. I summarize importance
of audiovisual media dedicated to adult entertainment (cinema and video stores) that help this social modernity. That diversity about
pleasure and sexuality, that give floor to colombian sexual revolution.


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Author Biography

Wilmar Vera Zapata, Universidad Nacional de Colombia

He was born in Medellín, Colombia. He is a social communicator-journalist, Master in History and PhD student in Human and Social Sciences at the National University of Colombia, Medellin. He has worked as a journalist and university professor. He is attached to the Universidad Católica Luis Amigó, where he teaches in the areas of history and journalism. His research interests include contemporary history and journalism.


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How to Cite

Vera Zapata, W. (2024). From those sludges, theses dusts. : Early studies of colombian porn industry (1960-2000). Interpretextos Revista Semestral De creación Y divulgación De Las Humanidades (Colima), 1(2), 103–126.