A dreadful pleasure.

The Pleasure of Fear and Its Influence on Our Culture


  • Diana Alejandra Reyes Sandoval Universidad de Guadalajara




Fear, mythology, literature, history, humanity


One of the emotions that scratches our being, and that leaves indelible marks, is fear; that sensation that brings out the most primitive human instincts. This article will explore various aspects of human history that exhibit the influence that the concept of “fear” has on us, from ancient times to the present day. The concept, what it is to feel fear. And what remains a curious paradox, the appreciation for fear. Those details that demonstrate the closeness that human life has with the spooky, even the vital that it has become for us as living beings in this world full of mysteries are recognized. In addition, it seeks to clarify the doubt that many have had about why we, who are frightened, are the ones who seek to shudder, suffer spasms, frighten ourselves.


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Author Biography

Diana Alejandra Reyes Sandoval, Universidad de Guadalajara

Mexican. Fourth semester student of the Bachelor's Degree in Hispanic Literature at the Centro Universitario del Sur (CUSur). University of Guadalajara


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How to Cite

Reyes Sandoval, D. A. (2024). A dreadful pleasure. : The Pleasure of Fear and Its Influence on Our Culture. Interpretextos Revista Semestral De creación Y divulgación De Las Humanidades (Colima), 1(2), 127–144. https://doi.org/10.53897/RevInterp.2024.02.08