Urban Metaphors Depicted Through the Scenographic Architecture of the TV Series Smallville





anti-urbanism, urban scenography, semiotics, Superman


Amid the ongoing discussions on Urbanism and  experiences in contemporary cities, this essay explores the influence of the urban scenery on the profile and behavior of the residents through a playful analysis of the TV series Smallville (2001-2011). The narrative follows Clark Kent who grows up in a small rural town and evolves into the hero, Superman. Smallville with its anti-urban values contrasts with Metropolis, a fictional version of New York City, reflecting different urban dynamics. The series’ filmic scenography illustrates metaphors of the city/individual relationship, showing how the urban environment shapes human behavior and contributes to psychosocial well-being. Furthermore, this study conducts a literature review based on theories such as Semiotics, Gestalt, and Neuroarchitecture, examining how scenography in audiovisual productions like the series Gotham (2014-2019)
and the film Joker (2019) reflects real cities and influences the thoughts and personalities of the characters. These works highlight the power of urban structure in shaping individual identity and behavior. Ultimately, the essay
contributes to understanding urban dynamics and their influence on individuals, emphasizing the importance of scenography and the environment that was built while constructing narratives and shaping behaviors.


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Author Biographies

Millena Fontes, Universidade Tiradentes

Brazilian. Master’s degree in Sustainable Building Conservation, Cardiff University, UK. Bachelor’s degree in Architecture and Urbanism, Federal University of Sergipe, Brazil. Coordinator and university professor at Tiradentes University, Brazil. Lines of research: cultural heritage and urbanism. Correo: millena.fontes@gmail.com

Larissa Ribeiro Cabral Vieira, Universidade Tiradentes

Larissa Ribeiro Cabral Vieira. Brazilian. Graduated in Architecture and Urbanism from Tiradentes University, Brazil. Postgraduate degree in Scenography and Costume Design, Belas Artes University Center of São Paulo, Brazil. Independent researcher. Lines of research: Scenography and Urbanism. Correo: lc.studioarquitetura@gmail.com



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How to Cite

Fontes, M., & Ribeiro Cabral Vieira, L. (2025). Urban Metaphors Depicted Through the Scenographic Architecture of the TV Series Smallville. Estudios Sobre Las Culturas contemporáneas., 2(3), 166–193. https://doi.org/10.53897/RevESCC.2025.3.06