Spatiality and cultural identities:

reflections on the role of neighborhood space in the socio-cultural configuration of the popular inhabitants of Guayaquil




popular neighborhood, popular inhabitants, cultural identities, cultural neighborhood identity


The present work constitutes an effort to think about the role of the popular neighborhood space in the configuration of the cultural identities of its inhabitants.
With this purpose in mind, we adopted a methodological design with a qualitative approach and a descriptive-comparative scope, since the data analyzed here correspond to two popular neighborhoods of
Guayaquil, Ecuador. This article emerges from a two-year research experience, and a total of 16 interviews and 2 discussion groups in Bastión Popular, and 15 interviews and 2 discussion groups in barrio Nigeria are analyzed. The
results organized in analytical categories account for 1) the neighborhood landscapes, based on memories about the origins of both neighborhoods and the role of the residents in their initial constitution; 2) the cultural identities
of its inhabitants and the elements that account for a territorialized perspective of identity; and 3) the identities of its residents and the contrast with an external other, which takes the form of other popular neighborhoods. We
can conclude that the stories of these popular neighborhoods have had the collective action of their residents as a constitutive part of their development
and maintenance, and in response, they account for those experiences that have shaped the cultural identities of their inhabitants.


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Author Biographies

Ingrid Ríos Rivera, Universidad Casa Grande, Guayaquil, Ecuador

Ecuadorian. PhD in Latin American Studies, Universidad de Chile. Full-time researcher at the University of Guayaquil, and part-time at Casa Grande University, Guayaquil-Ecuador. Research interests: Latin American studies, populism, social movements, political identities and decolonial studies. E-mail: ORCID: 0000-0002-1392-1808.


Diana Vallejo Robalino , Universidad Casa Grande, Guayaquil, Ecuador

Ecuadorian. PhD candidate at the Doctoral School of Sociology, ELTE Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary. Research professor at Universidad de Casa Grande, Guayaquil-Ecuador. Research interests: urban anthropology, territories and specialties in Ecuador, social memory, cultural studies. E-mail: ORCID: 0000-0002-2847-6014.


María José Torres Avilés, Universidad Casa Grande, Guayaquil, Ecuador

Ecuadorian. Degree in Political Science and International Relations, Universidad Casa Grande, Guayaquil-Ecuador. Independent researcher. Research interests: human rights and vulnerable populations, intersection between gender and politics, human mobility, decolonial and postcolonial studies. E-mail: ORCID: 0009-0006-6205-4401.



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How to Cite

Ríos Rivera, I., Vallejo Robalino , D., & Torres Avilés, M. J. (2024). Spatiality and cultural identities: : reflections on the role of neighborhood space in the socio-cultural configuration of the popular inhabitants of Guayaquil. Estudios Sobre Las Culturas contemporáneas., 1(2), 79–106.