Competitive Advantage of Intel in the Segment of the Microprocessors
Palabras clave:
Market, strategy, oligopoly, industryResumen
The present work has the objective of analyzing how the company Intel Corporation has developed worldwide and what its competitive advantage is in relation to other competitors in the market. The analysis will be made from an industry-
based point of view, identifying Michael Porter’s Five Forces, which provides an assessment of the strengths of external factors to the company in order to define strategies against threats. What is Intel’s competitive advantage given its current
dominance in the personal computer segment in face of technological changes and new segments of the semiconductor industry? The hypothesis: Intel has a competitive advantage over production volume, alliances with PC manufacturers,
its own factories (Fabs) for the production of processors, which allows it to enter the new segments of technology with greater ease, and as a goal: to analyze Intel’s competitive advantage through Porter’s Five Forces.
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