Exporting Competence: A Theoretical Framework
https://doi.org/10.53897/RevCommerP.2023.05.08Palabras clave:
exporting competence, competitiveness, transformative competenciesResumen
The development of human capital has become an indispensable factor to achieve and maintain the competitiveness and sustainability of a firm. This paper presents the construct of exporting competence and the methodological proposal for international trade companies to identify business competencies that are effectively put into practice by managers at different organizational levels. Particularly in territories with a challenging business ecosystem, such as some states in Mexico, the skill set that executives bring to firms have played an essential role to consolidate the firm’s exporting activity. Therefore, identifying and developing specific exporting competencies will enhance a firm’s export performance, while leading to development with a sustainable approach. First, a general introduction is given in the topic of Mexico and Michoacan’s competitiveness. Second, a literature review for competencies is given. Third, the construct of exporting competence is presented. The paper concludes with specific recommendations to consider in further initiatives and research in this field.
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