Simonopio´s Journey

a cinematographic analysis of El murmullo de las abejas by Sofía Segovia


  • Salma Valeria Bautista Verduzco Universidad de Colima



Contemporary mexican literature, novel, cinema, literary theory, film theory


This article is a cinematographic analysis, based on the proposal and interpretation guide of Lauro Zavala, of the novel El murmullo de las abejas by the Monterrey narrator Sofía Segovia. The objective is to demonstrate that it is possible to analyze a literary work that has not yet been brought to the big screen from a cinematographic perspective. It is concluded that it is possible because the theories of analysis and interpretation of these artistic forms share common elements.



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Author Biography

Salma Valeria Bautista Verduzco, Universidad de Colima

Mexican. She has a degree in Hispanic American Literature from the University of Colima, where she is currently studying for a master's degree in Mexican Literary Studies at the same university. She has worked as a freelance proofreader and research assistant. She has published short stories in magazines and literary supplements and in 2022 won an honorable mention for the story “La aventura de Ashura y Felipe o Felipe y Ashura” in the First Fantasy Story Contest of the Faculty of Letters and Communication and the General Directorate of Publications of the University of Colima.


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Segovia, S. (2017). El murmullo de las abejas. Penguin Random House.

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Zavala, L. (2003). Elementos del discurso cinematográfico. Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana.



How to Cite

Bautista Verduzco, S. V. (2024). Simonopio´s Journey: a cinematographic analysis of El murmullo de las abejas by Sofía Segovia. Interpretextos Revista Semestral De creación Y divulgación De Las Humanidades (Colima), 1(2), 69–82.