Forming a homoparental family in Yucatán:

some experiences from the narratives of its members


  • Norma Isela Ruiz Gonzalez Center for Advanced Studies in Sexuality, Yucatan, Mexico
  • Jorge Isaac Manuel Ortega Center for Advanced Studies in Sexuality, Yucatan, Mexico


family, homoparentality, sexual diversity, family diversity, human rights


This study describes some experiences of members of homoparental families of Mérida, Yucatán, on their conformation, since the meeting of the couples and the birth or inclusion of children today. Family meanings and values are explored, as well as experiences of parenthood and of confronting challenges and problems collectively. In-depth interviews were conducted with the members of three families with at least ten years of having been formed, one with two parents and two with two mothers, all of them with children of different ages. The analysis of the interviews was carried out following the principles of grounded theory. The results characterize diverse families in a similar way to other traditional families, although with the distinctive element of recognition of sexual diversity and the challenges associated with it. Finally, a discussion is presented about the need to recognize all rights for all families.


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Author Biographies

Norma Isela Ruiz Gonzalez, Center for Advanced Studies in Sexuality, Yucatan, Mexico

Mexican. Master in Thanatology from the Universidad de la Laguna and Master in Counseling and Sexuality Education from the Centro de Estudios Superiores en Sexualidad. Currently, she works at the Centro de Estudios Superiores en Sexualidad in the state of Yucatan. Research interests: individual and family sexuality.


Jorge Isaac Manuel Ortega, Center for Advanced Studies in Sexuality, Yucatan, Mexico

Mexican. D. in social sciences from the Autonomous University of Yucatan (uady). Currently works at the Centro de Estudios Superiores en Sexualidad in the state of Yucatan. Research interests: citizenship and sexual diversity.



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How to Cite

Ruiz Gonzalez, N. I., & Manuel Ortega, J. I. (2021). Forming a homoparental family in Yucatán:: some experiences from the narratives of its members. Géneroos, 27(27), 9–31. Retrieved from



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