“The truth is that i would not like to return to that place where i left, many bad memories, many ugly things”.
Gender violence and migration in gay people from Central America to Mexico
LGBTI migration, gender violence, sexual violence, intersectionality, restricted freedomAbstract
The migratory flow of LGBTI people has intensified worldwide. Since 2018, hundreds of Central American LGTBI
people have passed through, or stayed in, Mexico. The objective of this article is to analyze the social causes of this migration through the experience of homosexual people who come from Honduras and that are in transit through Mexico. Based on the ethnographic method, the experiences of Samuel and Gabriel are examined. They are two homosexual migrants who see, in international migration, an opportunity to improve their life conditions and to live their gender identity and sexual orientation. We believe that gender violence is one of the causes for the migration of homosexual people and that the mechanisms of social control, legitimized by a heteropatriarchal system,
are part and parcel of this international mobility. In this research, two arguments are formulated: First, that the gender violence that homosexuals experience in their places of origin does not just stay there when they decide to migrate, instead it accompanies them along their migratory travels and throughout their establishment in their destined societies; and second, that the aspirations and desires of these migrants are filled with poverty, gender discrimination, xenophobia, and the rejection of their migratory status, as a consequence, having restricted liberty.
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