Uncomfortable Masculinity

by Luciano Fabbri (comp.)


  • Lara Berg National University of Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina


literature review, cultural narrative, gender identity, new masculinities, hegemonic masculinities


The present book, Masculinity in discomfort, addresses especially that which remains without substantializing it or separating it from the current social and political framework which, in the words of the authors, is marked by a regional and global shift to the political right. In this sense, they focus on that which, by its insistence, reinforces inequalities and hierarchies in the social relations generated. On the other hand, they will politicize the analysis based on their own voices, readings and actions, both singular and collective, of insubordination and social struggle. The thirteen articles avoid referring to the identical in the analysis of masculinity.


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Author Biography

Lara Berg, National University of Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Lara Berg. National University of Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina

E-mail: lara.berg.fernandez@gmail.com


Angenot, M. (2010). El discurso social. Los límites de lo pensable y lo decible. Buenos Aires: Siglo XXI editores.

Byung-Chul Han. (2016). Topologías de la violencia. Barcelona: Herder editorial. 2016.

Fabbri, L. (Comp.). La masculinidad incomodada. Rosario: UNR editora; Homo Sapiens ediciones, 258 pp. 2021.



How to Cite

Berg, L. (2022). Uncomfortable Masculinity: by Luciano Fabbri (comp.). Géneroos, 29(32), 451–454. Retrieved from https://revistasacademicas.ucol.mx/index.php/generos/article/view/500