The transvestites of Saint Michel



homoerotic, marginal, micronovel, transvestites, violent


The purpose of the article is to read Saint Michel (2012) by Gabriela Aguilera. The book introduces transvestites as
homoerotic, violent, and marginal subjects. We consider some theories about the literary character that will help us detect the frequent strategies of their characterization in the micronovel. To this end, we will use an inductivedescriptive method based on classification and exemplification. In addition, through textual analysis, we examined many characters in Saint Michel, and among so many, we identified that some have played a more important role than others. On the other hand, we observed the different romantic and enthusiastic relations between them, derived from the prison world in which they live. The text concludes that for the life of transvestites,
inside or outside the prison, is violent, tragic, and miserable because when they express their gender identity or sexual
orientation, the ‘machista’ society in which we live does not respect the rights of freedom and equality for all people before the Law.


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Author Biography

Amor Arelis Hernandez Peñaloza, Instituto de Educación Superior 9-010. Rosario Vera Peñaloza. Mendoza, Argentina

Colombian. PhD from the National University of Cuyo. Mendoza, Argentina. Currently teaching at the Instituto de Educación Superior 9-010. Rosario Vera Peñaloza. Mendoza, Argentina. Lines of research or professional work: gender violence in literature, micro-storytelling and the Argentine literary canon.



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How to Cite

Hernandez Peñaloza, A. A. (2022). The transvestites of Saint Michel. Géneroos, 29(32), 303–227. Retrieved from



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